Sunday 8 March 2015

Why is technology so addictive?

We all use at least one smart device and are constantly on it. We never realise it but these devices are on us all the time and we are using them constantly. So whats the reason behind humans getting addicted to technology?

Humans are creatures who always look for answers. These devices generate a lot of questions whose answers can be found only after we use them. I am sure the first time you saw a laptop a question came to your mind, "What is this thing and how does it work?". Using the device got you the answer. It also made you realise that the device you are using is making your job easier. The same is true for cell phones.

After we have completely saturated the answer to the question we start looking for more things. This generates the next question. "What else can this device do?". Thats when open up to the world of apps. At this point there is no going back because you cannot experience everything available on the app store in a short time period.

Another reason is for the workaholic who always wants to work and be in contact with colleagues. This leads to an insane addiction to computers and mobile devices. Technology makes our lives easier. This is the sole reason for why we panic when we lose our mobile device. Loosing the comfort is scary for us.

This question came to my mind while installing a windows partition on my laptop. Made me think that I was wasting such a lot of time doing something that would give me almost nothing in return. The comments are open for your opinions. And as always.........

Thanks for reading!

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