Monday 9 March 2015

Why does the sun produce solar flares?

The Sun is pretty hot and occasionally we see bursts of flames on its surface. This discharge of radiation is known as a solar flare and it is quite common. These solar flares are known to travel through our entire solar system causing drastic effects. Luckily the Earth is not affected due to its magnetic nature that causes the solar flares to deflect away and move towards other planets.

Most people may consider the Sun to be a hot ball of fire. While its technically true but science gives a much better explanation of how the Sun is so hot. The sun is mostly made of protons. When two protons are on a collision course they usually repel. But the speed at which the protons travel in the Sun is so high that eventually protons crash into other protons and combine with each other. This collision generates energy in the form of heat. This is why the sun is so hot. It is a ball of energy formed by colliding atoms. 

Sometimes an excess amount of energy is generated on the surface of the Sun. This is where Solar flares come into picture. They are the excess energy generated from the collisions of protons. This energy is released because it is more than what the Sun can handle. You can also call it as excess energy the sun is producing in the form of heat. 

And as always...............

Thanks for reading!

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