Monday 30 March 2015

Why do we forget?

Its an interesting phenomenon that almost all humans posses. You could also call it our only weakness. Forgetting is a part of human life and it is frustrating. So whats happening in that brain of yours when you forget something. This article is my perception of the act of forgetting and what you might find else where could be different.

1. Situational Forgetting

Depending on a particular situation your brain might try to free up some space for newer information that will be more relevant for an easier future. During exam preparation you would realise this happening to you. After writing one examination, if you would study for the next exam, you may not remember some of the data that you had processed for the previous examination. I would call this situational forgetting because the brain is acting according to your present situation.

2. Seeing and forgetting

There have been countless instances where you might have seen a film and when a scene of the film is being talked about, you cannot recall it at all. A reason for this is the lack of attention you are paying towards what you had seen. I often wonder into thoughts during a film which causes me to lose a lot of data from what I had seen. This can be classified as looking at something and forgetting.

3. Blankouts

This usually occurs when you are in a panic situation or are having a panic attack. You might be in the middle of an examination or giving an interview. It isn't an isolated problem as every human experiences this. To avoid blanking out, its always good to remain calm and not think about what the future holds since the future always solves itself.

These are some of the forgetting experiences that I have had in my life. There might be more experiences that I have had but I must have "forgotten".

As always....
Thanks for reading!

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