Wednesday 25 March 2015

How Jupiter could have destroyed our solar system?

Jupiter, the worlds largest planet in our solar system, known for its unpresidented gravitational force wasn't as dosile as the planet is today. Jupiter during the inception of the solar system wasa violent beast calling for destruction. Jupiter had a powerful whirling spiral that was the product of the large gravitational force the planet posseses. This whirling spiral was known to suck and throw objects into Space and towards other planets. It might have been a very scary site from Earth but to be fair human civilization didn't exist during the time.

According to Scientists, the only thing that saved the entire solar System was the planet Saturn. Saturn was known to also posses a very strong gravitational force that maybe was even more powerful that the gravity on Jupiter. This gravitational fource from Saturn helped Jupiter to get rid of that devestating whirlwind spiral. The forces of saturn also caused Jupiter to be placed behind mars in our Solar System.

Jupiter's gravitational force has never reduced as even today anything coming even remotely close to the planet is sucked in by it. The gravitational forces have also caused continuous sandstorms and the infamous red dot on the planet is actually a sand storm that has existed for centuries. Apart from this the planet has also been known for changing the course of many flying objects and also caused the formation of many other celestial bodies. Now thats a lot of creation and or destruction from one planet. 

Saturn on the other hand might have lost some of its gravitational force as it isn't as powerful as before. But it still is able to hold its rings and moons which makes it the most beautiful planet in our solar system. Its fascinating to think about the history of these planets and the kind of activities our solar system has gone through.

Thanks for reading!                  

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