Friday 3 April 2015

Why do we blackout?

This has been happening to me my entire life. I get up from bed too excited everything is black and I fall back on my bed. Then everything becomes normal again. Its pretty normal to experience this but why is it happening?

Blood flow

Our blood moves in our body according to the bodies orientation. Sleep for a long time and all the blood is flowing downwards and still circulating. When we get up suddenly all that blood requires some time to adjust to the bodies new orientation. Normally it takes a few seconds which is why getting up too fast will cause a blackout. The flow of blood towards the brain has reduced for a partial moment during the blackout phase. Any change in blood flow can also cause a blackout. Getting rid of stitches also causes a blackout and I say this from personal experience. The brain suddenly realises that something has changed during the removal of stitches causing the blackout.


Blackouts can occur during sickness. The main issue during sickness is the lack of intake of every foods and fats. The brain is suddenly worried that why isn't the body getting normal food and this causes a blackout or atlas you are more prone to one during sickness. The body is also known to get weak during sickness because the body is looking for resources while getting rid of the illness. Weakness can also be a cause of getting a blackout.

These are the two main reasons for blackouts that I have experienced and my understanding says that they are normal and experienced by many others in the world. The only good thing about a blackout is that it lasts for just a few seconds.

Thanks for reading!

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