Friday 3 April 2015

Why there isn't any gravity in Space?

The notion that there is no gravity in Space is wrong.

Why do we blackout?

This has been happening to me my entire life. I get up from bed too excited everything is black and I fall back on my bed. Then everything becomes normal again. Its pretty normal to experience this but why is it happening?

Blood flow

Our blood moves in our body according to the bodies orientation. Sleep for a long time and all the blood is flowing downwards and still circulating. When we get up suddenly all that blood requires some time to adjust to the bodies new orientation. Normally it takes a few seconds which is why getting up too fast will cause a blackout. The flow of blood towards the brain has reduced for a partial moment during the blackout phase. Any change in blood flow can also cause a blackout. Getting rid of stitches also causes a blackout and I say this from personal experience. The brain suddenly realises that something has changed during the removal of stitches causing the blackout.


Blackouts can occur during sickness. The main issue during sickness is the lack of intake of every foods and fats. The brain is suddenly worried that why isn't the body getting normal food and this causes a blackout or atlas you are more prone to one during sickness. The body is also known to get weak during sickness because the body is looking for resources while getting rid of the illness. Weakness can also be a cause of getting a blackout.

These are the two main reasons for blackouts that I have experienced and my understanding says that they are normal and experienced by many others in the world. The only good thing about a blackout is that it lasts for just a few seconds.

Thanks for reading!

Thursday 2 April 2015

Why time runs fast and slow in different situations?

Time is always running. Its speed neither changes nor can it be changed, or can it?

 When we are engrossed in some work time flies but at the same time, for somebody else time must be moving extremely slow because they are going through a boring work day. The simplest explanation for this is diversion. When we are diverted, we don't pay attention to time. Thats why it moves so fast. If we are not diverted, time moves very slowly. The same can be experienced while watching a film. A good film will cause time to just fly by but a bad film will bore you.

That was the reasonable explanation but what if we go the fictional route. Einstein said time is relative and that it changes in different points in the universe. Maybe doing important work will full dedication has the same consequence of time running quickly. If this were true, all of us should be at different points in the day but that does not happen. Thats why I started the paragraph stating that I was taking the fictional route. 

Time is a relative quantity and cannot be controlled. But it looks like we can control the speed at which time runs for us. If you're busy then you know time is going to fly. I have had experiences of time flying while studying during examinations. Time is damn slow during lectures. I believe most people have the same experience. 

If time runs differently for different people then there must be a way to control it. We don't have the power to control time yet but the speed of time can be controlled by us. We do it without even knowing, knowing that time will fly in certain situations. Its pretty confusing but I hope I was able to convey what I wanted to say. 

Monday 30 March 2015

Why do we forget?

Its an interesting phenomenon that almost all humans posses. You could also call it our only weakness. Forgetting is a part of human life and it is frustrating. So whats happening in that brain of yours when you forget something. This article is my perception of the act of forgetting and what you might find else where could be different.

1. Situational Forgetting

Depending on a particular situation your brain might try to free up some space for newer information that will be more relevant for an easier future. During exam preparation you would realise this happening to you. After writing one examination, if you would study for the next exam, you may not remember some of the data that you had processed for the previous examination. I would call this situational forgetting because the brain is acting according to your present situation.

2. Seeing and forgetting

There have been countless instances where you might have seen a film and when a scene of the film is being talked about, you cannot recall it at all. A reason for this is the lack of attention you are paying towards what you had seen. I often wonder into thoughts during a film which causes me to lose a lot of data from what I had seen. This can be classified as looking at something and forgetting.

3. Blankouts

This usually occurs when you are in a panic situation or are having a panic attack. You might be in the middle of an examination or giving an interview. It isn't an isolated problem as every human experiences this. To avoid blanking out, its always good to remain calm and not think about what the future holds since the future always solves itself.

These are some of the forgetting experiences that I have had in my life. There might be more experiences that I have had but I must have "forgotten".

As always....
Thanks for reading!

How does weather forecasting work?

The only recurring occurrence on Earth is the constant change in Weather. With so much technology at our disposal we still struggle with weather predictions. The art of accurate weather prediction rests within the controlling factor of the weather. We haven't been able to get a very direct answer but weather stations look for certain key geographical indicators that help them give you an estimation of the weather.

1. The Oceans

This one is perhaps the biggest indicator available on Earth and I mean this literally. The heating and cooling of Oceans can tell us the direction of winds. We can also get to know the temperature that the coast can experience from the oceans. If you have gone through School, you must have read about the land breeze and Sea breeze phenomenon. Since winds move from colder to warmer areas, we can get to know if the land is cooler than the water or vice versa. As we can estimate the positioning of the Sun before hand, we can estimate the temperatures based on how hot or cold an Ocean will be.

2. Satellites

This one is perhaps the most accurate till date as it gives us a birds eye view of the weather changes as it is happening. This might make you think that this should be pretty accurate as you can literally see whats happening with the weather. But you cannot be more wrong. Since the Earth is constantly moving, the heating effect of the sun also changes. This causes sudden changes which is why weather forecasts tend to be so unpredictable. Satellites though have been life savers as they can easily predict storms long before they hit.

3. The winds

Wind speed measurement is the most popular technique used by weather forecasters. It tells weather stations about incoming clouds and the direction that they are moving in. Stormy weather can be predicted from winds much before hand. Blowing of winds are an indicator of pressure differences on Earth.

Off the top of my mind these are the most popular techniques used for weather prediction. Accuracy can only be increased if we can predict the positioning of the sun and Earth and also be able to predict the amount of heat that the Earth will receive at that moment. Since this is very difficult to do at such a large scale, we haven't been able to do this.

As always....
Thanks for reading!

Saturday 28 March 2015

What can gravitational lensing indicate?

Gravitational lensing is a phenomenon that has often occured in Space. It is the bending of light from a light source over long distances. The observer usually sees a hollow circle of light rather than the entire light source. This phenomenon itself is intriguing but it could indicate the presence of a black hole.

A black hole has been known to be so strong that it has the capability of bending light. The problem with just determening the presence of a black hole from this phenomenon may not be able to tell us the location of this black hole. Since the light is reaching the observer from a very long distance, the black hole could be anywhere in between.

Lensing might also occur due to scattering of light. There could be millions of celestial objects between the observer and the light source. Anything that could cause refraction or reflection can cause this phenomenon. It would all depend on the angle at which the light source is observed. The name is gravitational lensing becuse light is known to bend only in the presence of a lens or gravity.

Finally its just light bending because of the effect of gravity and the distance the light has to travel. Lensing only occurs with far off light sources so you could only imagine the intensity of brightness at the source.

Thanks for reading!      

Is our sun also moving like planets?

For as far as we can see, the Sun is in a centrally steady position with the planets revolving around it. But if you zoom out a little bit and look at the Milky Way, your perspective changes drastically. The Milky Way has a centre that is supposedly a collapsed star also known as a black hole. A strong centre around which many celestial bodies revolving is in a way the rule of the universe. If this is true, it means that our sun is moving continuously and taking the entire solar system with it. But if this were true, why hasn't there been a collision in all this movement?

We have to consider that if the Sun revolves around the milky way then everything else in the milky way is also doing the same thing. There could also be the possibility that our sun and the solar system might be revolving around a bigger sun which makes our existence really small in the sea of the universe. The possibility of this maybe unlikely because if it were happening, we would be able to see two suns in our sky.

Looking at an even bigger picture, if the sun revolves around the Milky Way then is the milky way also doing the same thing but at a much much larger scale that we are not able to perceive. If this were happening then this could be the way the universe works. The galaxies look stable but in reality they are moving around this huge central power. This would also prove that how are Galaxies stationary and not moving around. We will be able to conclude that there is no such thing as dark matter.

The star positions appear similar to us every night because everything in the milky way must be revolving around the centre at the same speed. A better example of what's happening here can be two trains travelling at the same speed parallel to each other. The people on the two trains will feel that they are stationary but in reality they are moving at very high speeds.

Thanks for reading!

Thursday 26 March 2015

What's the ISS docking procedure?

The international space station or ISS has been up in Space for more than a decade and it has seen many people aboard it. Astronauts mostly go up there in shifts of 6 months but there is a lot of procedures and physics involved in the transportation of these astronauts.

Astronauts first board a Soyus rocket in Russia that takes them up into space. Since the ISS is moving around the Earth at 17,000 Km/hr its impossible for the launched soyuz module to straight away reach the ISS and dock. There are several burns that astronauts have to perform during the procedure.

The first step is to get the soyuz module to start orbitting the Earth. For orbitting the Earth the astronauts use up one of their several burns. The next step is to move towards the ISS. Now the astronauts have to perform burns at each half orbit points. So a burn at 180 degrees of the orbit and another burn at 360 degrees. This will allow the circumfrance of the Soyuz's orbit to increases allowing it to get closer to the ISS. 

Finally when the Soyuz rocket is inline with the ISS the astronauts apply another burn that allows the Soyuz rocket to get ahead of the ISS. Now the soyuz rocket is supposed to rotate so that the hatch faces the dock of the ISS. A final burn procedure is performed to get the Soyuz closer to the ISS and ultimately the module is docked.

It typically takes around 30-35 minutes for the entire docking procedure and the soyuz is continuously monitored from the ground to ensure that the angles are correct. A slight micalculation can be disastrous.          

Later this month Scott Kelly and two other astronauts will be travelling to the Space station which is what made me write this post cause surely people might want to know whats happening through the journey from Earth to ISS.

Thanks for reading!

Wednesday 25 March 2015

How Jupiter could have destroyed our solar system?

Jupiter, the worlds largest planet in our solar system, known for its unpresidented gravitational force wasn't as dosile as the planet is today. Jupiter during the inception of the solar system wasa violent beast calling for destruction. Jupiter had a powerful whirling spiral that was the product of the large gravitational force the planet posseses. This whirling spiral was known to suck and throw objects into Space and towards other planets. It might have been a very scary site from Earth but to be fair human civilization didn't exist during the time.

According to Scientists, the only thing that saved the entire solar System was the planet Saturn. Saturn was known to also posses a very strong gravitational force that maybe was even more powerful that the gravity on Jupiter. This gravitational fource from Saturn helped Jupiter to get rid of that devestating whirlwind spiral. The forces of saturn also caused Jupiter to be placed behind mars in our Solar System.

Jupiter's gravitational force has never reduced as even today anything coming even remotely close to the planet is sucked in by it. The gravitational forces have also caused continuous sandstorms and the infamous red dot on the planet is actually a sand storm that has existed for centuries. Apart from this the planet has also been known for changing the course of many flying objects and also caused the formation of many other celestial bodies. Now thats a lot of creation and or destruction from one planet. 

Saturn on the other hand might have lost some of its gravitational force as it isn't as powerful as before. But it still is able to hold its rings and moons which makes it the most beautiful planet in our solar system. Its fascinating to think about the history of these planets and the kind of activities our solar system has gone through.

Thanks for reading!                  

Tuesday 24 March 2015

Why string theory doesn't add up?

String theory suggests that the point-like particels in particle physics are represented as one dimensional strings. Now there is a model of the universe that is built on string theory which is what doesn't add up for me. This model shows space as a blanket of strings on which everything in the universe sits.

The revolution of the Earth around the Sun and the moon around the Earth make sense in this model. But what about objects that are in continuous motion and aren't revolving around any object like asteroids. If space were a blanket of stirngs, that would mean that there should be a sense of direction as well in Space. But that just isn't there. There probably is a criss cross of blankets in space. This only complicates things instead of simplifying it. Since string theory is supposed to represent everything in one dimension, Space just cannot be understood with this theory.

Finally these are just theories and haven't been prooven. Actually it isn't possible to proove such theories because they have just been made up to make it easier for the understanding of the universe. Using string theory for the secrets of the universe isn't going to give you too many ground breaking answers.

Thanks for reading!