Monday 16 March 2015

How similar were World War encryption devices compared to technology available today?

The Enigma encryption device
The imitation game was a film that showed us what kind of encryption technology was used during the world war. The enigma was a very famous encryption device that was difficult to decode. It would take days for somebody to crack the code but it was no use as the codes were changed everyday. It used a series of letters on rollers that could be interchanged making it a very useful encrypting device in the military.

Today we have technology that has far advanced than what the Enigma was. Communication technology in the military has one basic principle, use noise above or below the actual message so that even if somebody tries to tap the military frequency, all they would hear is the noise above and below the information. 

Briefly speaking there is a modulation device that would encrypt the message and a demodulator at the receiver end to decode the message. The principle was the same even when the Enigma was used in the World war. The only difference is that it is impossible to understand a message communicated between military personnel today. 

Encryption is extremely important to the army. Without it the opposition would always know your next move. It has always been used for the sole reason of hiding strategies from oppositions so that troops can win their war. 

Thanks for reading!

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