Showing posts with label Earth. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Earth. Show all posts

Monday 30 March 2015

How does weather forecasting work?

The only recurring occurrence on Earth is the constant change in Weather. With so much technology at our disposal we still struggle with weather predictions. The art of accurate weather prediction rests within the controlling factor of the weather. We haven't been able to get a very direct answer but weather stations look for certain key geographical indicators that help them give you an estimation of the weather.

1. The Oceans

This one is perhaps the biggest indicator available on Earth and I mean this literally. The heating and cooling of Oceans can tell us the direction of winds. We can also get to know the temperature that the coast can experience from the oceans. If you have gone through School, you must have read about the land breeze and Sea breeze phenomenon. Since winds move from colder to warmer areas, we can get to know if the land is cooler than the water or vice versa. As we can estimate the positioning of the Sun before hand, we can estimate the temperatures based on how hot or cold an Ocean will be.

2. Satellites

This one is perhaps the most accurate till date as it gives us a birds eye view of the weather changes as it is happening. This might make you think that this should be pretty accurate as you can literally see whats happening with the weather. But you cannot be more wrong. Since the Earth is constantly moving, the heating effect of the sun also changes. This causes sudden changes which is why weather forecasts tend to be so unpredictable. Satellites though have been life savers as they can easily predict storms long before they hit.

3. The winds

Wind speed measurement is the most popular technique used by weather forecasters. It tells weather stations about incoming clouds and the direction that they are moving in. Stormy weather can be predicted from winds much before hand. Blowing of winds are an indicator of pressure differences on Earth.

Off the top of my mind these are the most popular techniques used for weather prediction. Accuracy can only be increased if we can predict the positioning of the sun and Earth and also be able to predict the amount of heat that the Earth will receive at that moment. Since this is very difficult to do at such a large scale, we haven't been able to do this.

As always....
Thanks for reading!

Sunday 22 March 2015

Why are all planets round?

There was the medieval times when people believed the earth to be flat but now that we know our planet is round, a quetion rises in my mind. We see our eintire solar system and all the planets are round. There isnt a single square or flat planet. Even our sun is round which is why I was wondering why everything is round?

According to scientists, the shape was just ment to be. Durng the big bang, all the debris floating around Space came together to form round planets. I believe the shape of our planets is the way it is because of the shape of a higher power. The Sun is also round and I believe thats what caused the shapes of all the planets to be round. Thats why the debris from the big bang went around the sun. If the Sun were square there wouldnt have been the possibility of something orbiting the star.

When planets were forming and there was constant collision of debris, it was causing these new cellestial objects to revolve on their own axis. This also is a reason for the spherical or round shape of the planets. The debris were mended to take a circular shape due to the forces acting on them during the revolution. Another reason could be that it is the easiest of all geometrical shapes to just form on its own.   
Thanks for reading! 

Tuesday 17 March 2015

Whats the future of the Earth's landmass?

Pangaea probably was the first ever continent of Earth. Millions of years back all the Earth's landmasses were connected to each other and it was one huge landmass with oceans all around it. Thats why people in the past were able to migrate long distances. There weren't any oceans to obstruct their way.

Studies suggest that the Earth's landmasses will again come together to form a super continent. In a way this could be a good thing. People will be more connected to each other. But there is another problem. Will humans even exist when this super continent is formed? With our pollution habits we might only be able to see this wonder of nature if we are lucky.

With tectonic plates crashing against each other it will cause major physiological changes to the Earth's landmass. There will be many more mountains that will rise from the overlapping of continents. Volcanic activity will also increase. Not to forget the amount of seismic activity when all landmasses come together.

Weather changes will be very extreme. The coasts will experience pleasurable weather and temperature whereas the centre of this landmass would be like the Sahara desert only bigger. With landmasses coming together a lot of the land would become inhabitable which could become a very big problem.

Pangaea two would be an amazing creation of nature but it can only cause more problems for living organisms. Though it would be amazing for the generation to see this landmass from Space. 

Friday 13 March 2015

Will humans live to witness the death of the solar system?

An exploding star. Probably the suns explosion might look something like this.

21st December 2012 is long gone and we are still here. We thought the apocalypse was certain on this day because the Mayan's were too lazy to write more calendar years.

We know that in a few billion years the Sun will start expanding eating up anything in its way including Earth. After this the sun will explode and the remains of the explosion will be a small star around which Mars and the other remaining planets will circle around. But will there still be humans?

We humans are doing things that will lead to our extinction long before the Earth is in any trouble. Humans will be the sole reason for getting the human race extinct long before all the other natural events occur.

Innovation and discoveries are the answer for extending the life of the human race. Green house like
structures that will mimic the atmosphere of the Earth could be an answer to the survival of all forms of life. The natural atmosphere will be long gone in a few hundred years. Another answer is migrating to another planet and Mars seems to be the planet where there are elements of life and it isn't too far away.

I believe that humans will still be present to experience the death of our Solar system and continue to live even after the solar system is finished. Technology would be so advanced during the time that there maybe no force of nature that could cause human death.

Thanks for reading!

Wednesday 11 March 2015

From where did Earth get its water?

Its a question that is so incredibly simple but has a very interesting answer. The water found in Space came from a Solar nebula that gave the Hydrogen. Collapsing stars during the early stages of the universe formed Oxygen and the result was water. There are two theories for water on Earth.

One theory suggests that water came from the many asteroids that impacted the Earth. An asteroid contains 80% water so this could be a reliable theory. Another theory suggests that Earth got water from the above solar nebula. Water travelled through Space interacting with the different forces before finally reaching the Earth and clinging on because of the Earth's gravity.

 Astronomers are still not 100% sure as to where the water truly originated from. The second theory seems to make more sense because the Earth is mainly made of 70% water. Such a lot of water cannot be the result of just asteroids impacting the Earth. Both events happening at the same time makes more sense. The asteroids created craters that could hold the water from the Solar Nebula.

I in-fact have one more theory. Since the Earth is made of mainly Carbon, Oxygen, Helium and
Hydrogen, I believe the asteroids merely left elements that later combined on their own on Earth to form water.

Another fun fact is that there is a large H2O cloud in Space that contains 120 trillion times the amount of water on Earth. The cloud is known to circle a black hole which is known to emit energy in the form of light and electricity.

Thanks for reading!