Friday 13 March 2015

Will humans live to witness the death of the solar system?

An exploding star. Probably the suns explosion might look something like this.

21st December 2012 is long gone and we are still here. We thought the apocalypse was certain on this day because the Mayan's were too lazy to write more calendar years.

We know that in a few billion years the Sun will start expanding eating up anything in its way including Earth. After this the sun will explode and the remains of the explosion will be a small star around which Mars and the other remaining planets will circle around. But will there still be humans?

We humans are doing things that will lead to our extinction long before the Earth is in any trouble. Humans will be the sole reason for getting the human race extinct long before all the other natural events occur.

Innovation and discoveries are the answer for extending the life of the human race. Green house like
structures that will mimic the atmosphere of the Earth could be an answer to the survival of all forms of life. The natural atmosphere will be long gone in a few hundred years. Another answer is migrating to another planet and Mars seems to be the planet where there are elements of life and it isn't too far away.

I believe that humans will still be present to experience the death of our Solar system and continue to live even after the solar system is finished. Technology would be so advanced during the time that there maybe no force of nature that could cause human death.

Thanks for reading!

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