Sunday 22 March 2015

Why smart watches didn't get the iPhone response?

2014 onwards we have seen a plathora of wearables that have stormed the tech market and sometimes it makes you wonder that is that realy useful? Would someone really want that? The Smart watch was touted as the device that would give you reactions that you got when you saw the iPhone in 2007. Even Apple has gone out of its way to venture into this new category.

The main aim of Technology is to make human life easier. The iPhone brought a combination of devices to the palm of your hand making it really easy for users to do a lot more from the palm of their hands. You could call the iPhone the Cyborg of phones in 2007 because it could do so much more. I think now companies are moving towards making people cyborgs by strapping these smartwatches on our hands and putting Virtual reality devices on our heads.

To think of it the smartwatch doesnt do anything more than what your phone can do. Thats the reason why it hasnt received that wow response that the iPhone got. The watch is just a smart watch but it does a lot more than what a normal watch can do. That sounds more iPhone like but you have to remember that there was nothing like what the iPhone could do during the time. It would be smarter for companies to realise that the smart watch category isn't as hot as the smartphone category.   

According to a survey of 3000 people, 75% of those people would buy an iPhone for an Apple watch. It sounds crazy but the Apple brand has a lot of power in the market. So I am not overly surprised that the results of the Survey were such.

Thanks for reading!

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