One of the greatest minds of all time, Albert Einstein always wanted to find answers and unlike most of his colleagues he would actually go out of his way to get the answers rather than wait for the answers to come to him. His personality can accurately tell us his thoughts on just about anything. So what would such a genius with uncanny tastes think about the internet?
1. Shocked
Since he's been dead for a while now bringing him back to life would be the first thing somebody would have to do to ask him this question. He would be shocked looking at the existence of such a thing but his reason for being shocked would be different. He might say that he had already conceptualised such a communications system during his time. His reason for shock would be the ability of humanity to make his vision a reality. He might say "How did you do this without me?" His arrogance is beyond imagination and this would be very apparent in his conversations.
2. More answers required
After being brutally shocked, Einstein might start looking for the answers the was so desperate to know during his time. Accept the fact that the field of Physics hasn't moved ahead of e= mc^2 means that his questions will still be unanswered. This would lead him to the conclusion that the internet is a time waster with no actual use since well he ain't getting those answers. People like Einstein were purposefully born in their era cause that was the time when many things had not been invented and there was still a long way for human evolution knowledge wise. The only problem is we haven't been able to move much ahead of the inventions and theories from the era of the greats. Better yet he might go to the Wikipedia headquarters and ask for a job to fix all their answers and contribute more to the ever expanding website.
3. Whats that Selfie?

So Einstein wakes up from the dead and is asked about the internet. He's then given a smart phone and he soon finds Snapchat and Instagram. Surely his mind would wonder, "What do all these self portraits or in modern terms selfies mean?" Since the answer would be incredibly stupid, he might actually give it a shot. That's because Einstein was the kind of guy to try new things. Actually he would rather make new things for others to try. Eventually he would get bored of the selfie game and move on.
4. Its stupid
Admit it there have been times when you're sitting on Facebook and Twitter for a large part of your day and you know you're waisting you're time. Einstein might take this into consideration and say that since its just a waste of time, the internet is stupid and anybody who uses this thing is stupid. These statements don't seem very Einstein like but you have to understand that he was an arrogant mind. Proving him wrong at anything would drive him crazy. In fact his vision of humanity might not allow him to understand such advancement in technology leading him to believe how stupid the internet really is.
5. I love it
After being shocked, looking for answers, asking the out of the blue question and criticising the internet he would eventually fall in love with it. He might actually write a book or open a Facebook account expressing his thoughts about the 21st century. Since his era was the time where you documented everything with pen and paper his habits would still remain. Only this time it would go digital.
Albert Einstein was a genius with low grades in School. That was because he thought in ways that nobody else could think which is why he was able to achieve so many accolades and make so many breakthroughs. Obviously I haven't interviewed the genius but looking at his personality this is what I came up with.
Thanks for reading!
1. Shocked
Since he's been dead for a while now bringing him back to life would be the first thing somebody would have to do to ask him this question. He would be shocked looking at the existence of such a thing but his reason for being shocked would be different. He might say that he had already conceptualised such a communications system during his time. His reason for shock would be the ability of humanity to make his vision a reality. He might say "How did you do this without me?" His arrogance is beyond imagination and this would be very apparent in his conversations.
2. More answers required
3. Whats that Selfie?
So Einstein wakes up from the dead and is asked about the internet. He's then given a smart phone and he soon finds Snapchat and Instagram. Surely his mind would wonder, "What do all these self portraits or in modern terms selfies mean?" Since the answer would be incredibly stupid, he might actually give it a shot. That's because Einstein was the kind of guy to try new things. Actually he would rather make new things for others to try. Eventually he would get bored of the selfie game and move on.
4. Its stupid
Admit it there have been times when you're sitting on Facebook and Twitter for a large part of your day and you know you're waisting you're time. Einstein might take this into consideration and say that since its just a waste of time, the internet is stupid and anybody who uses this thing is stupid. These statements don't seem very Einstein like but you have to understand that he was an arrogant mind. Proving him wrong at anything would drive him crazy. In fact his vision of humanity might not allow him to understand such advancement in technology leading him to believe how stupid the internet really is.
5. I love it
After being shocked, looking for answers, asking the out of the blue question and criticising the internet he would eventually fall in love with it. He might actually write a book or open a Facebook account expressing his thoughts about the 21st century. Since his era was the time where you documented everything with pen and paper his habits would still remain. Only this time it would go digital.
Albert Einstein was a genius with low grades in School. That was because he thought in ways that nobody else could think which is why he was able to achieve so many accolades and make so many breakthroughs. Obviously I haven't interviewed the genius but looking at his personality this is what I came up with.
Thanks for reading!