Showing posts with label Life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Life. Show all posts

Friday 6 March 2015

Was there ever life on Mars?

The red planet as it is called, Mars sits just at the edge of the habitable zone in our Solar system. NASA's curiosity rover has found traces of water on the red planet. Speculations suggest that there once was a time when there were seas or rivers on the red planet and that the planet was exactly like Earth. Which further gives us a clue that maybe humans to existed on the planet.

Ancient paintings on caves have shown people flying into space. It shocks us that if people could draw something like that on caves it suggests that the technology did exist during the time and it was used repeatedly. Some experts suggest that human life began on Mars. When the planet became barren the human race left it and settled on Earth. If this were true, the technology that existed such a long time ago is way ahead of what we have today.

Could Mars have been a part of Earth?

The earth was much bigger than what it is today. There was a collision which caused the Earth to loose a lot of mass. This formed the moon. Some say the moon actually collided with the Earth and thats what caused the tilt on its axis. Anyway what I believe is that the collision caused a lot of debris to fall into space. The debris must have come together to form the red planet or at least part of what the red planet is today. The rest of it might have come from other planets like Jupiter or the asteroid belt. Why did I come to this conclusion? Maybe because the planet is around half the size of Earth.

It is very much possible that there was life at Mars as there have been traces of water. But if my conclusion were true, the water found at Mars was just a part of Earth a long time ago which means that Mars was always the red planet with similar conditions that exist on the planet today.

The question came to my mind when I was reading about the findings of NASA. The comments section is open for your opinions. And as always...........

Thanks for reading!