Showing posts with label Moon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Moon. Show all posts

Sunday 15 March 2015

What would happen if the Earth looses its lone natural Satellite?

The moon believe it or not has a huge impact on many natural phenomena that we just don't realise. Its hard to believe that something as far as 384,000 Km has some sort of impact on the everyday routine of Earth. But astronomers have proven that the moon is actually moving away from us and in a few hundred thousand years, the moon will fly out of its orbit and the Earth will become lonely. What would be the affects of this?

Loosing the moon will cause the Earth to lose its access. Apparently the tilt in the Earth's access is due to the moon and the Earth's magnetic nature. If the moon were to move away, the Earth might topple over and change its access regularly. So you might be at the northern hemisphere one day and the next day you might see your self in the southern hemisphere. A very good example is Uranus. Though it isn't formally known why Uranus rotates at a tilted axis of 98 degrees, the loss of moons could be a reason.

The moon controls the tides on the Earth. This is a pretty well known fact. So no moon means no waves. The surfers might get pissed. The water on the Earth may remain stagnant. Though earthquakes are another source of waves, it doesn't happen as regularly. Another sad fact would the the sky would look boring.

What would happen to the moon if it looses the Earth's support? I believe it might just end up somewhere near Jupiter if it goes in that direction. Most probably it will be on a collision course with maybe a planet.

Thanks for reading!