Showing posts with label ParticlePhysics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ParticlePhysics. Show all posts

Tuesday 24 March 2015

Why string theory doesn't add up?

String theory suggests that the point-like particels in particle physics are represented as one dimensional strings. Now there is a model of the universe that is built on string theory which is what doesn't add up for me. This model shows space as a blanket of strings on which everything in the universe sits.

The revolution of the Earth around the Sun and the moon around the Earth make sense in this model. But what about objects that are in continuous motion and aren't revolving around any object like asteroids. If space were a blanket of stirngs, that would mean that there should be a sense of direction as well in Space. But that just isn't there. There probably is a criss cross of blankets in space. This only complicates things instead of simplifying it. Since string theory is supposed to represent everything in one dimension, Space just cannot be understood with this theory.

Finally these are just theories and haven't been prooven. Actually it isn't possible to proove such theories because they have just been made up to make it easier for the understanding of the universe. Using string theory for the secrets of the universe isn't going to give you too many ground breaking answers.

Thanks for reading!